My Father’s Work at USAID in Service to World Hunger
We are living through a politically fraught time in the United States, and I am acutely aware that what is happening here is felt around the world. Countless ideas, opinions, and fears are running rampant, and internally, it can feel destabilizing. From my experience, there appears to be multiple narratives about what is constituting “truth” or “facts”…
Read MoreFinding ‘Space’ to Make Art: Coffee Shop, Plane, Bedroom? ✈
Since I’ve been doing a lot of creative coaching and mentoring lately, I’ve been reflecting on the basics of art-making. My last newsletter focused on finding time to create. Today, I’m shifting the focus to carving out physical space for making art. This is another big obstacle that can trip us up. Whether you’re working on art…
Read MoreThere is Never Enough Time for Art
Among the pleasures afforded by a warm summer here in Virginia, I am lucky to have the gift of work that I love, in part because of clients I am privileged to work with who I find inspirational and dedicated to their healing and creative lives. One theme that has been arising often lately is the challenge of…
Read MoreWhat is a Creative Identity?
“Let us not be bound by ideas of how we must be. Let us not be told to be or do anything that feels wrong. Let us define for ourselves what the right timing and the right places are… Let us be and make only what is true to who we are." – Tech Artist…
Read MoreFalling Apart and Back Together
“The alchemy of performance changes something that was sad – it causes a chemical reaction in your bloodstream and it comes out joyful.” – Florence Welch of ‘Florence in the Machine’ This month is Mental Health Awareness Month. In my work, the ‘awareness’ of emotional and mental health is present all year round. We can’t…
Read MoreArt and Aliveness
What makes you feel most alive? What is most alive in your art process? What is most alive in your dance and movement at this moment? Follow the thread of your aliveness. Where do you find the most energy or vitality in your body? These are questions and prompts I often use in my individual…
Read MoreMaking Masks with Henry: Window into the Imagination
This is my artist friend Henry Sultan. I have known Henry for a few decades, and now I’m in my 50’s and he is in his 80’s! We first met when I was the Art Curator at the California Institute of Integral Studies where I hosted an art show with Henry and his wife Jenny…
Read MoreThe Struggle of Art
In my ‘split’ life as arts therapist/ coach/ teacher/ artist, I am a grand juggler and I thrive on being actively engaged in life and art. My work can be intense, and being a creative person and a business owner doesn’t come without sacrifice. I have to be diligent about my self-care to maintain my stamina. This was…
Read MoreAvoiding Interruption to Find Creative Flow: aka How Our Devices are Distracting Us
“A flow state…This is when you are so absorbed in what you are doing that you lose all sense of yourself, and time seems to fall away, and you are flowing into the experience itself. It is the deepest form of focus and attention that we know of…We know at some level, that when we…
Read MoreA Tribute to my Therapist
The best forms of healing, therapy, and meditation are learning to trust. The trust is the genuine kind.” – Jack Kornfeld This newsletter is dedicated to Theresa Cangelosi who was my therapist for eight years. She guided me through the most difficult times of my life. I came to her after an estrangement from a spiritual mentor…
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