Psyched Magazine Interview
by on September 10, 2015
I went hunting for earbuds so I could snuggle up in a cafe and watch Adriana Marchione’s documentary film, When the Fall Comes, about her process of using art to overcome some massive loss in her life. I was sitting there drinking my latte while my belly was doing somersaults. And I cried a cry of gratitude, of relief and feeling a new reverence for my own creative process. I knew then and there I had to interview this artist, therapist and film maker. Here is our interview. I knew I had to shout from the rooftops that everyone I knew should see this short film.
Traci Ruble: Hi Adriana. I watched your acclaimed short documentary, When the Fall Comes, and I knew I had to interview you for Psyched in San Francisco Magazine. Wow. Everyone needs to watch this. Can you say a little bit about your work and why art is important in healing?… Click here to view the full interview online, and learn more about Psyched in San Francisco.