What is a Creative Identity?

“Let us not be bound by ideas of how we must be. Let us not be told to be or do anything that feels wrong. Let us define for ourselves what the right timing and the right places are… Let us be and make only what is true to who we are." – Tech Artist…

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Falling Apart and Back Together

“The alchemy of performance changes something that was sad – it causes a chemical reaction in your bloodstream and it comes out joyful.” – Florence Welch of ‘Florence in the Machine’ This month is Mental Health Awareness Month. In my work, the ‘awareness’ of emotional and mental health is present all year round. We can’t…

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Art and Aliveness

What makes you feel most alive? What is most alive in your art process? What is most alive in your dance and movement at this moment? Follow the thread of your aliveness. Where do you find the most energy or vitality in your body? These are questions and prompts I often use in my individual…

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The Struggle of Art

In my ‘split’ life as arts therapist/ coach/ teacher/ artist, I am a grand juggler and I thrive on being actively engaged in life and art. My work can be intense, and being a creative person and a business owner doesn’t come without sacrifice. I have to be diligent about my self-care to maintain my stamina. This was…

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A Tribute to my Therapist

The best forms of healing, therapy, and meditation are learning to trust. The trust is the genuine kind.” – Jack Kornfeld This newsletter is dedicated to Theresa Cangelosi who was my therapist for eight years. She guided me through the most difficult times of my life. I came to her after an estrangement from a spiritual mentor…

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Art in Community

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap. – Ani DiFranco I am a community-oriented person. I was brought up with festive family dinners, playing cards with aunts and uncles, and memorable parties at special events. In my formative years we lived abroad because of my father’s work…

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Art Altar: Life/Art Remedy

Last week I wrote about ‘languishing’ and how art can be a way through (find the blog post here). I am following up with a ‘life/art’ remedy to support you to connect to your aliveness through an Art Altar. I have found that even the simplest gathering of objects that have meaning increases the feeling of purpose and inner…

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Art Cures for Holiday Loneliness

“It is an interesting metaphysical as well as astronomical truth, that it is only when you have good darkness that you can see the faint lights, whether it is faint stars, or the little points of light, the thousand points of light that bring us hope even in darkness.” – Brother Guy Consolmagno Honoring Winter…

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