Tap into a Creative Mindset!

Happy Holidays! As 2022 winds to a close, and we get ready for a different pace over the holidays, I am thanking you for being a part of my creative community. I find ongoing inspiration from the art expressions of the people I work with through my practice and in my courses. I also have so many incredible colleagues and artist friends who model how art can be a practice of healing, connection and social change.
I wanted to offer you an exercise to tap into a creative mindset that can also offer you time for contemplation and integration as you prepare for the new year.
Photo Walk Artist Date (with or without a life/art question):
1) Schedule 1 - 2 hours for a urban or country walk nearby.
2) Bring a fully charged phone with you. Turn off your notifications and have your phone camera ready to go.
3) Venture out solo or invite a family member or friend who is artistically minded to join you with their camera phone.
4) If you are so moved, bring a life/art question with you. If there something that you are struggling with, you are curious about, or a decision you are trying to make - you can organize your question around this issue.
5) As you walk see what draws your attention, find light, shapes, design, architecture, nature, images, views that speak to you and take as many photos as you can. It is a good rule to take several photos of the same thing from different angles/frames to find the best capture.
6) If you have a life/art question, have this in the back of your mind as you walk. Let the environment and the art that you find speak to you outside of ‘linear/practical’ thinking.
7) After you get back home, review your photos and see which ones are the most compelling. Alter them with filters and/or make a photo collage.
8) Consider sharing a selection of the images with people in your life and/or share on social media. Feel free to email them to me as well!
8) If you brought a life/art question with you - take some time to write about your experience, letting your photos inform your writing as well. What did you learn? Did this offer you a different perspective on your life issue?
Below you will see some photos of mine that were recently taken while out on a walk with graphic artist Walter Lynam. We put our artist ‘eye’s together and took photos on the streets in the Mission District of San Francisco.