Art in Community
“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap. – Ani DiFranco I am a community-oriented person. I was brought up with festive family dinners, playing cards with aunts and uncles, and memorable parties at special events. In my formative years we lived abroad because of my father’s work…
Read MoreArt Altar: Life/Art Remedy
Last week I wrote about ‘languishing’ and how art can be a way through (find the blog post here). I am following up with a ‘life/art’ remedy to support you to connect to your aliveness through an Art Altar. I have found that even the simplest gathering of objects that have meaning increases the feeling of purpose and inner…
Read MoreArt Cures for Holiday Loneliness
“It is an interesting metaphysical as well as astronomical truth, that it is only when you have good darkness that you can see the faint lights, whether it is faint stars, or the little points of light, the thousand points of light that bring us hope even in darkness.” – Brother Guy Consolmagno Honoring Winter…
Read MoreLosing a Beloved Animal
Dedicated to Pablo Writing for Heart and Soul “All sorrows can be borne, if you put them into a story.” -Isak Dinesen PART 1 This is a time of great loss. So many of us our losing loved ones, and our beloved animals are no exception. Last week I helped Pablo, my 15 1/2 year…
Read MorePoetry, Trauma, White Body Supremacy
“Our country is like a really old house. I love old houses. I’ve always lived in old houses. But old houses need a lot of work. And the work is never done…Whatever you’re ignoring will be there to be reckoned with until you reckon with it. And I think that that’s what we’re called upon…
Read MoreTaking Risks in Art Making
Taking Risks in Art Making Without Losing Yourself “Yes, I felt very small. The typewriter seemed larger than a piano, I was less than a molecule. What could I do? I drank more.” – Albert Sánchez Piñol, Pandora in the Congo Creating from an honest place – making art about real emotions, stories, memories, truths…
Read MoreMaking a 15 Minute Life/Art Collage
Happy 2020! There is something remarkable about a new decade. I’m feeling the shift more than I expected. The transition to 2020 is potent and I am enthusiastic about the year(s) ahead. Art is the anchor for me in the ups and downs and having a creative practice helps to mark the passage. Here is a simple…
Read MorePassion Projects: Making Art
I am committed to the creative process. This involves making art, helping others make art and seeing projects to fruition. I feel most alive when I’m in the art space and helping people have meaningful creative experiences. Some art pieces or projects come to fruition and some get left behind. Regardless of the outcome, the act of engaging in a project…
Read More5 Reasons For A Creative Day
“What art offers is space – a certain breathing room for the spirit.” John Updike I often wake up in the middle of the night with inspirations in various forms. If I’m writing something, ideas might flow in. When I have spent a day editing film, moving images flash through my brain. And, since I’m…
Read MoreOn Being an ‘Art Therapist’
I am an art therapist – to be specific my titles are ‘expressive arts therapist’ and ‘somatic movement therapist’. My work is out of the box, and when I tell people what I do it usually requires a fair amount of explanation. In many ways, this is really amazing – I love my work. I…
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