Articles & Blogs

May 3 2022

Interview with Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

It was an absolute honor to be interviewed by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation for an online blog entitled Meet Adriana Marchione, director of “The Creative High”.  This Q&A, facilitated by Jeremiah Gardner, was originally published for Hazelden Betty Ford’s monthly Recovery Advocacy Update. If you’d like to receive their advocacy emails, subscribe today. Q: What does recovery look like for you, and how has it empowered different aspects of your life? Recovery has been a waking-up process for me which is ever-evolving. It was a rebirth, which over time gave me the ability to face life with open eyes and a ...
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Nov 1 2021

A Tribute to my Therapist

The best forms of healing, therapy, and meditation are learning to trust. The trust is the genuine kind.” - Jack Kornfeld This newsletter is dedicated to Theresa Cangelosi who was my therapist for eight years. She guided me through the most difficult times of my life. I came to her after an estrangement from a spiritual mentor during an emotional crisis. A few years into our work together she supported me through the illness and death of my late husband due to lung cancer. Theresa was a somatic psychotherapist with a special focus working with trauma. She was Italian American which created a ...
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Sep 20 2021

Art in Community

"I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap. - Ani DiFranco I am a community-oriented person. I was brought up with festive family dinners, playing cards with aunts and uncles, and memorable parties at special events. In my formative years we lived abroad because of my father's work as an anthropologist in both Jamaica and Norway. I was introduced to an international group of people dedicated to social change. This has made a lasting impression. Throughout my life, I have maintained strong ties, yet there has been times when I have felt isolated or separate from. When I ...
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Aug 3 2021

Art Altar: Life/Art Remedy

Last week I wrote about 'languishing' and how art can be a way through (find the blog post here). I am following up with a ‘life/art' remedy to support you to connect to your aliveness through an Art Altar. I have found that even the simplest gathering of objects that have meaning increases the feeling of purpose and inner strength. In addition, it can be a useful guide towards healing oneself, giving hope to someone in your life, or supporting a cause you believe in. ART ALTAR EXERCISE 1) Find the intention for your art altar. What do you want to focus on, heal, offer to a ...
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Jul 21 2021

Are you Languishing?

A Life/Art Perspective As we find ourselves in the middle of the summer in this new phase of the pandemic, more open but still uncertain, I find that the term ‘languishing’ describes what many people are feeling. As we all know loss, mental health crises and an increase in substance use has been significant over the past year, but a pervasive experience at this time is a dulling of the senses due to the after effects of 'quarantine' and underlying stress. “Languishing is apathy, a sense of restlessness, feeling unsettled or an overall lack of interest in life or the things that typically ...
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Feb 22 2021

Losing a Beloved Animal, Part 2

Dedicated to Pablo "Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what's missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we're here." ― Trisha McCagh It has been over two months since Pablo left us. It continues to leave a big hole in my life. The space that animals inhabit can be simple and to those who don’t have pets or connect with animals on a daily basis may not understand the ...
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Jan 29 2021

Permission to Dream: Visioning Exercises

VISIONING and INTENTION SETTING Permission to Dream even if you feel lost, broken, or fearful “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ― Audre Lorde The most important thing about dreams and goals is to remember that everything starts with our imagination. We always have access to our imagination despite what challenges we are facing. Even the smallest seed can bear fruit. The creative process itself is a guide to create a new reality. If we can make visual art ...
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Dec 24 2020

Art Cures for Holiday Loneliness

“It is an interesting metaphysical as well as astronomical truth, that it is only when you have good darkness that you can see the faint lights, whether it is faint stars, or the little points of light, the thousand points of light that bring us hope even in darkness.” – Brother Guy Consolmagno Honoring Winter Solstice Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah This is a very different year that any of us had imagined and the holidays are no exception. I compiled a list of activities for those of you that might be feeling especially isolated this time of year or have ...
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Dec 15 2020

Losing a Beloved Animal

Dedicated to Pablo Writing for Heart and Soul "All sorrows can be borne, if you put them into a story.” -Isak Dinesen PART 1 This is a time of great loss. So many of us our losing loved ones, and our beloved animals are no exception. Last week I helped Pablo, my 15 1/2 year old orange tabby, transition out of this life. Since his passing, I have been flooded with memories of our time together. These memories evoke stories that mark the passage of time as well as the bond that we had together. I have felt compelled to ...
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Jun 30 2020

Poetry, Trauma, White Body Supremacy 

"Our country is like a really old house. I love old houses. I’ve always lived in old houses. But old houses need a lot of work. And the work is never done...Whatever you’re ignoring will be there to be reckoned with until you reckon with it. And I think that that’s what we’re called upon to do where we are right now." - Isabel Wilkerson It is an emotional time as we continue to face the uncertainty ahead. I am waking up to new realities in my life and work as I step up to act and learn more about racial ...
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